Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Duet May 2015 - Tackey and Snow Man crosstalk

I was planning to translate this crosstalk between Tackey and Snow Man in Duet May 2015. I already translated 1/3 of the article (yet to be proofread, though) but my brain decided to stop understanding Japanese, so! DX
Duet May 2015

NOTE: This is only a transcribed version. 
Scans are from yoshiko_mama @ LJ

Monday, March 9, 2015

March 6, 2015 Oshaberi Salon Topic: Spring 「春」 -- A mini write-up

Last February 17, Japan Foundation Manila shared the flyer to the latest Oshaberi Salon that happened this March 6 on their Facebook page. I re-posted the flyer’s picture on Instagram and asked if anyone wants to go with me and even if no one’s willing, I decided to go by myself.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

second to the last

 I've got many things in my head but I can't put them into proper words, make it a proper blog post. So I'm giving you a photo-heavy kwento of what I've been up to in the last month. Not in chronological order.